The story starts in 2004 with New Ages Frames and Designs who had a view of providing a number of high-profile caravan manufacturers with a higher standard of structural framing and CNC fabricated componentry. With a reputation for premium quality, they then switched their focus from supplying the industry with frames and parts to building their own caravans, and in 2008 New Age Caravans was born.
In 2009 they manufactured 5 caravans a week, today we are making over 2,000 a year. New Age Caravans have won many awards for product design, manufacturing, business operation and community work along the way.
Anticipating dramatic changes in the Australian automotive landscape, Walkinshaw Group was looking to diversify and bring its innovative design and engineering expertise to the caravan and RV market, and as a result it decided to purchase new Age Caravans. Needless to say, it was a match made in heaven as it has taken their design and engineering capabilities to a whole new level.